Sometimes It’s Hard to Wait!!

It’s been quite the summer so far! New 2021 DPRP Standards, updated DPRP Recognition requirements, upcoming NEW NDPP curriculum. This list seems to be growing! So many of us are asking, “When will the NDPP CSC post additional webinars, the new NDPP curriculum, and even add DPRP Office Hours to the NDPP CSC Calendar?” We […]

Your DPP–Quality Assurance!

So many tools and resources in your quest to maintain and grow a quality Diabetes Prevention Program. One great resource is your participants! In providing a mid and end of program survey, you can collect feedback regarding program materials, logistics, goals achieved, and coaching. Access the State of Wellness Resources page to download examples of […]

What if I Want to Change or Re-create the NDPP Curriculum?

Whether you are a NDPP Coach wondering how you can adapt the T2 curriculum to another language…or….wondering if you can create an alternate curriculum, the NDPP Customer Service Center and the CDC provides specific guidance and work flow. So what are the details? According to the NDPP Customer Service Center, if you are interested in […]

Looking Forward in your DPP….What are your Program Goals for 2021?

I think we can all collectively agree….2020 in the Diabetes Prevention Program has been “interesting”! So…what have you witnessed, learned, and gathered from this past year of “COVID restrictions”? Here are some of the take aways coaches and coordinators have shared…. The virtual DPP is here to stay! It’s working and so many resources are […]

NDPP Library of Webinars!

As DPP Coaches and Coordinators, we also find ourselves wearing many other hats….RDE, RD, nurse, pharmacist, health coach, educator, to name just a few. And many of our wonderful coaches may not be a health care provider, but a layperson working outside the home, managing home and family. Yes. Life as a coach can be […]

Am I a “Coach” or an “Expert” in my DPP?

There’s no such thing as the perfect coach. Whether you’ve been coaching for ten years or new to the field, we’re never done learning. A wonderful learning opportunity can follow each DPP class–a time to explore and self reflect–taking a few minutes  to “check in”  on the session and coaching skills you used. Were most […]

Addressing Physical Activity in the DPP–Documentation and Motivation!

Great questions continue to come in! Recently, Nancy and Erica were wondering about participant tracking and coach collection of Physical Activity data. So let’s start looking into this! When your DPP starts bi-weekly/monthly sessions, Nancy and her colleagues wonder what are the requirements of documenting physical activity?  According to the 2018 DPRP Standards, “A yearlong […]