As we provide the NDPP to our communities, we may engage with those who may have learning disabilities or “learning differences”. In fact, this was a topic in the NDPP Customer Service Center discussion board. Since we know that T2 affects all cultures, backgrounds, and populations, one of our main focuses as NDPP providers is…inclusion!

So how can we engage with participants who may learn differently or have difficulty reading? Here are some ideas providers have shared:

What does the NDPP CSC have to offer? 

“To promote inclusion, the PreventT2 curriculum is written at the sixth-grade level, and the 2012 National DPP curriculum at the eighth-grade level.

CDC also encourages organizations offering the lifestyle change program to people with developmental disabilities to tailor their teaching methods to suit audience needs. CDC does not currently offer a curriculum specifically designed for people with developmental disabilities. CDC encourages the development of an alternate yearlong curriculum for participants with developmental disabilities by organizations with the desire and resources to do so. CDC requires a review process for alternate curricula as detailed on page 9 of the 2018 DPRP Standards.”

If you are interested in altering the curriculum, read, “What if I Want to Change or Re-Create the NDPP Curriculum?

So rewarding and powerful to know we are reaching out to everyone who is at risk for developing T2!

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