So great to see so many DPP Coaches and Coordinators attend the June 23rd, 2020 NDPP Webinar, “Keep Them Coming Back: Resources for Coaches to Enroll and Retain Participants in Lifestyle Change Programs”! As your State of Wellness Community Manager, I am happy to share some of the key “take aways”!

What was this webinar about? The CDC tells us that a couple challenges that tend to rise to the top for so many providers is engaging participants  to enroll– and motivating current participants to “come back”– especially during the second six months when participants transition to monthly meetings.

It was exciting to hear about the recently updated NDPP CSC (Customer Service Center). Tools and Resources are newly organized and updated;  and the search for these has been streamlined. All of these wonderful resources can be found on the State of Wellness Resources page.

So let’s take a look at what was shared:

  1. NDPP Customer Service Center
    • Did you know that a webinar poll revealed that approximately 70% of webinar attendees were unaware of this great resource? Here is a quick peek…The Home page: easy to navigate, a search bar to quickly find a resource, and “click on tiles” for easy access to main NDPP resource categories.

2.   Specific Tools/Resources to Enroll and Retain Participants–The following newly developed NDPP resources support these efforts!

**Visit the State of Wellness today…so many resources to support your DPP team and the NDPP Resources you’ll need to start, sustain, and expand your DPP!

Slide Credits: 6/23/20 NDPP Webinar: “Keep Them Coming Back: Resources for Coaches to Enroll and Retain Participants in Lifestyle Change Programs”. Presenters: Joshua Petty, MBA, Health Communications Specialist, DDT, CDC; Nancy Silver, BA, MS, Health Communication Specialist, DDT, CDC; Leslie Ross, MPH, CHES, ORISE Fellow, DDT, CDC.

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